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Frases de la vida para reflexionar y pensar imagenes

noviembre 18, 2022
Frases de la vida para reflexionar y pensar imagenes

Frases de reflexión y motivación

En este trabajo se analiza la relación entre los recuerdos traumáticos y las habilidades de afrontamiento para afrontarlos. Los recuerdos traumáticos son difíciles de integrar en la historia de vida del superviviente y pueden interferir significativamente en el funcionamiento social, educativo y laboral. Desde un punto de vista psicopatológico, se distingue entre recuerdos normales y traumáticos. Se analizan las habilidades de afrontamiento adaptativas para lidiar con los recuerdos traumáticos, como la evitación cognitiva, la exposición terapéutica a los recuerdos traumáticos o el perdón. Pero también hay afrontamientos desadaptativos, como la nostalgia, los sentimientos de odio y venganza o las conductas autodestructivas, que deben tenerse en cuenta para explicar las dificultades de recuperación en algunos pacientes. Por último, se examinan las estrategias de regulación cognitiva de las emociones y el papel de la resiliencia y el crecimiento postraumático en algunos pacientes para afrontar los recuerdos traumáticos. Se comentan las implicaciones de este estudio para futuras investigaciones en este campo.

La memoria es la capacidad de fijar, conservar y evocar las vivencias que una persona acumula en su vida. Sin embargo, la codificación de la información no es casi nunca como una grabación fotográfica. Los recuerdos no constituyen una reconstrucción, sino una representación del pasado. La importancia de la memoria radica en que nos permite relacionar el presente con el pasado y proyectar hacia el futuro nuestros pensamientos e ideas (Uzer & Brown, 2017).

Reflection images

Apart from that, as individuals, you can even spread joy in other people’s lives by sending them good morning phrases. Every person in this world needs love therapy and with good morning images, messages, cards and phrases, you have the power to change this world.

  Cosas randoms para decir

If you are someone who needs to give good morning images, text and phrases to your friends or even your family, there are a lot of such things. So, if you have friends or family members who are going through a phase of depression, giving them a loving text, images or even good morning phrases can fill their hearts with utmost joy and care.

There is a great need for love in this world and if you can bring that kind of love into human lives, this world will thank you with all its heart. Thousands of people are struggling with depression in today’s world and are eager to get out of that chaos. With that, you can be their savior and give those people a pinch of good morning texts and images.

Images and phrases of reflection

The phrases of the sky demonstrate the fascination that the human being feels for the vault above his head. Whether in a scientific or purely romantic way, the sky has many connotations. In some religions, for example Christianity, heaven is the place where the righteous go when they die. Perhaps because of this, heaven has become in the popular imagination a mythical, peaceful and soft place to rest for the rest of eternity.

50. He cannot be called noble who does not know the will of heaven; he cannot stand on a firm foundation who ignores the laws of expediency (“li”); he cannot know men who does not understand their words. – Confucius

57. Whether you come from heaven or hell, what does it matter, O Beauty, you huge, hideous, naive monster! If your glance, your smile, your foot open to me the door Of an infinity that I love and have never known. – Charles Baudelaire

  Porque siempre me pasan cosas malas

59. A healthy body is a good thing; but a healthy soul is worth more than all that man can desire; a healthy soul is the most beautiful thing that heaven can grant us to make this poor earth of ours happy. – Thomas Carlyle

Reflections of daily life with morals

Are you looking for phrases of true friendship? do you need phrases of reflections for life to have daily motivation? do you like beautiful reflections on love and life? do you use to read phrases of motivation and personal improvement? are you looking for positive phrases of beautiful reflections of love and life to value what you have?

The application Reflection Phrases of Love, Motivation and Life offers you images with phrases of reflection and motivation, thoughts and life lessons. Life is a wonderful gift that most people do not know how to value and live happily. Start your day with motivation with these wonderful motivational phrases with images to enjoy life and love to the fullest.

In this application of Imagenes con pensamientos y frases de la vida y el amor para estar feliz you will find the most beautiful phrases about life, love, and friendship that will make you think, value and love life. Reflections of life and positive thoughts that when you read them daily you will see reflected in many of them, moments and situations of our life.

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